Saturday, October 27, 2018
Informatika dhe risimi ne arkitekture.
Prej nje shekulli
historia e artit ne Europe nuk eshte vetem nje seri veprimesh dhe reagimesh te
vecanta por nje levizje e ndergjegjes kolektive.
Shoqerine industrial tashme
e ka zvendesuar nje shoqeri e informacionit e cila ka ndryshyar cdo rregull. Shoqeria
e informacionit ka gjithmone nevoje per toje , ne vecanti per te prodhuar te
mira manifekture.
Peisazhi si paradiagrame
kryesore ne krijimin e arkitektures eshte kthyer fale edhe frontit te mendimit
mbi mbetjet, ne fjale themelore.
Nje nga kritikat qe I drejtohet
shpesh kerkimit qe ben arkitektura e re eshte ajo e perdorimit te materialeve “reklamuese”
dhe komunikuese qe rrjedhimisht duhet ti heqin vertetesine nderteses.
Nje fakt interesant eshte
se kapercimi I diktakteve te koherences, organicitetit, uniaritetit, ne raste shume te arrira sjell nje
sukses te madh pikerisht ne funksionalizim e shume permendur.
Dy jane substancat per te patur ne mendje si motor te risimit arkitektonik qe po jetojm.E para eshte vezhgimi I copezimikt te mesazhit metropolitan. Substanca e dyte rrotullohet rreth konceptit te pejsazhit
Tema kryesore e ketij shterimi eshte qe risimi
I arkitektures te cilen po e jetojme gjate viteve te fundit. Dhe ky afrimitet
pikerisht I substancave te reja krijon edhe mundesi te reja ne arkitekture.
Subastanact e reja arrjne
te shnderrojne zonat e braktisura ne ndjenje te re estetike qe parasheh dhe
imagjinon nje qytet te ndryshem.
Bashkesia e ketyre
substancave arrijne te sjellin nje dallim te dukshem ne qendren e vertete te
kerkimit arkitektonik, domethene ne idene e hapesires.
Keto substance gjejne te
informatika si arsye edhe instrumenin e tyre.
Tendencat ndaj substancave kishin te benin me thjeshtezimin dhe
standartizimin e proceseve industriale. Ne keto substance gjenden tendenca ndaj
modernes, drejt transformimit te krizave te botes ne vlera estetike dhe etike
ne nje kohe kur arkuetktura mund ti kultivonte dhe manifestonte.
Ne baze te ketyre
tendecave ne vendet e vancuara teknologjikisht ky eshte nje ndryshim
strukturor. Ne zonat te cilat jane te ndertuara me nje densitet shume te larte
mund te vendosen gjelberim, pajisje rekreative. Kjo do te tjote qe krijimi I pjeseve
te reja te jene te integruara ku se bashku me gjelberimin te jene dhe
aktivitete nga shoqeria e informacionit.
Një ndërtesë nuk është më
e mirë vetëm nëse funksionon dhe është efikase, por duhet të japë dhe të thotë
më shumë; madje edhe simbolet dhe tregimet kur janë të dobishme. Ideja e
hapësirës së brendshme si motor i arkitekturës ka ndryshuar edhe eshte
permiresuar. E cila ka ndikuar edhe ne hapesire publike e cila ka marre nje rol
te rendesishem.
Ne jetojme ne nje kohe me ndryshime te shumta, po
krijohet nje raport me i ngushte me ambientin. Arkitektura shihet si nje element
lidhes mes peisazhit dhe teknologjise. Teknologjia po ndryshon menyren se si
jetojme dhe qendrojme duke krijuar mundesi te reja per te ardhmen.
Pra shtimi i tendecave
ndaj ketyre substancave dhe perdorimi me i madh i teknologjise po e drejton
boten ne nje te ardhme me komplekse
Saturday, October 20, 2018
Clyde Waterfront and Renfrew Riverside
Clyde Waterfront and Renfrew Riverside
Clyde Waterfront & Renfrew Riverside project aims to regenerate the Clyde
Waterfront as an attractive riverside and urban area that supports existing and
promotes new residential, industrial, commercial, business, retail and leisure
The proposals include the
construction of a new opening bridge across the River Clyde, which will
accommodate vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists, and the construction of the
Renfrew North Development Road to better link communities and businesses
on both sides of the river.This will increase the potential for business growth, for businesses on both sides of the river, as they gain access to increased numbers of customers and suppliers throughout Renfrewshire, Clydebank, Glasgow and the wider Glasgow City Region.
The masterplan makes provision for just over 67,600m² of mixed use space and offers a flexible framework designed to complete the transformation of Pacific Quay into an attractive place to work, live and play.
regeneration of the waterfront as an attractive, vibrant and sustainable urban
area by improving access to key development sites, providing new housing,
business and employment opportunities. Improved access for communities
north & south of the Clyde to key residential, employment, healthcare,
education, leisure and retail sites for all modes of transport, including
improved opportunities for leisure and active travel alongside and across the Clyde.
Enhanced local
environment through the use of high quality landscaping to encourage high
quality development and regeneration. Optimised operation of the local road
network, resulting in improved journey time reliability and safety. Significantly reduced traffic flow
through Renfrew Town Centre, particularly Inchinnan Road.
Opportunity for
enhanced public transport on both sides of the river including enhanced
reliability through Renfrew town centre. This investment in infrastructure will help to
create a more attractive, vibrant and sustainable place to One of the first projects in the world to follow the new
standard to minimise greenhouse gas emissions—directly contributing to the
achievement of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
The potential ‘quality of place’ of the area cannot be overstated. The
river frontage has been neglected for many years but offers significant
opportunities for creating an attractive, vibrant and sustainable environment
for a wide variety of uses on both banks of the River Clyde. This project has
the potential to radically improve the current socio-economic conditions in the
local area and by doing so influence improvements across the City Region.
project evaluation and optioneering process considered existing businesses and
possible future development in the area and wider afield.
The completed design
seeks to enhance economic conditions, employment potential, and access to
health, leisure and education centres for residents within the local area. The
additional economic growth generated by the project ranks first amongst all
city deal projects.
The key benefits
steel offers bridge developers lower construction costs compared with other
materials helps to save money for municipal governments. This advanced
manufacturing has been identified as a key priority for Scotland and is a
sector with significant growth potencial.
Emilia Brinja
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Prej nje shekulli historia e artit ne Europe nuk eshte vetem nje seri veprimesh dhe reagimesh te vecanta por nje levizje e ndergjegjes kol...
Technology is an essential part of our lives today and few can imagine living without. We achieved a lot with the help of technology, for e...